At BRANDL we operate fine art warehouses in various sites in Germany (Berlin, Cologne, Munich). As well BRANDL had been one of the initial partners for the Luxembourg Freeport. Recently we developed another new concept and are now offering a „State of the Art“ warehouse in The Hague and Amsterdam, Willebroek/Antwerp, Paris, Copenhague and Stockholm in cooperation with the highly specialized company HIZKIA.

  • security is up to the most modern standards, with a direct uplink to central security
  • All depots are pest managed
  • all depots are bonded warehouses


We have a Warehouse Management System (WMS) to provide inventory of your collection. This proves to be an ideal way of managing your collection. We will add a unique barcode or QR-Code label to your works of art and can offer you an overview of your collection when requested.


An appropriate climate is essential to store your valuable items with due care and attention.
BRANDL are climate-controlled in accordance with museum standards. Sustainable buildings also have a self-regulating climate, keeping manual interventions to a minimum – ecologically sound and cost effective.
Depending on the materials in your collection and your specific wishes, BRANDL will also provide tailormade solutions to store your items safely, with due care and in a budget-friendly manner.

Climate-controlled art storage (museum standard)

  • 20°C
  • 52% relative humidity
  • Monitoring indoor climate and immediate intervention in the event of deviating results

Sustainable art storage

  • 12°C – 18°C
  • 55% – 60% relative humidity
  • Monitoring, intervention if the limits are exceeded

Specifically adapted climate zones

  • Tailormade, based on the collection
  • Monitoring, intervention if the limits are exceeded

Non climate-controlled depots

  • No or minimal climate control, e.g. for sculptures or empty crates
  • No intervention


All BRANDL & HIZKIA storages are bonded warehouses, which are customs approved zones, not subject to import duties and/or VAT. Collectors, gallery owners and other art lovers all over the world can store their works of art in our ‘freeport’. The major benefit?

We can guarantee postponed VAT and tax payments when we store your collection in transit in our depot. The art works can remain in the depot and in transit until the owner decides what to do.
BRANDL & HIZKIA employ specialized personnel for forwarding and shipping of art objects, which includes caretaking of all customs formalities.